
Evelyn Ruby here :D Having sweet seventeen ★ AMC girl :0 Simple and Nice my quote ;) Be thankful all the time ♥

Your wishes will come true if you just believe.. :D I believe and I have them. Thanks for everything with me :)


Junyi Fei Tracy Baffalo Jo Ee Emilia Kelly

October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 November 2011 December 2011 January 2012 March 2012 March 2013 June 2013 February 2014 August 2014 October 2015

Layout: Capturemylove
Background: Doughnutcrazy
Image: Breathings
Best viewed in: Internet Explorer

When I see you, the world. It stops and all that exists for me, is you and my eyes staring at you. There's nothing else. No noise, no other people, no thoughts or worries, no yesterday, no tomorrow. The world just stops and it's a beautiful place and there's only you. Just you. And my eyes staring at you. When you're gone, the world starts again and I don't like it as much. I can live in it, but I don't like it. I just walk around in it, and wait to see you again and wait for it to stop again. I love it when it stops. It's the best thing I've ever known or ever felt, the best thing, and that, is why I stare at you.
Friday, August 20, 2010 ♥Friday, August 20, 2010

*Woo hoo!!!!!*
Finally everything ended with HAPPINESS!
Confirmation camp, Terengganu Muzikal Concert, Confirmation Mass..................
Full with tiredness but live in joy! <3
I did learn a lottt from you guys in every camp.

Confirmation Camp.
I wished I have peaceful and Love.
Finally I can sleep well. Take care of everything well.
I feel so peaceful when I meet with any problems because I know I have you.
I have my family, my mommy. My besties!
You all would never leave me! Thank you :)

Terengganu camp.
Although it's almost one month over.
I never know it would make such big effects on myself, my soul.
Maybe people would say I'm just missing HIM.
But not really. I miss the time we spent together in a hall.
Practice until late night yet we won't gumble because we won't feel tired.
Although we are not Malay and we have to live with all Malays.
But it doesn't feel bad.
I love the way you all treat us, play with us, talk to us. Laugh with us!
I would never feel like this when I'm with others. It's not the same with you all.
Concert started Concert ended. Photos taken Photo sent.
We cried to leave there because we're not just leaving there but it's A bunch of FRIENDS!
Bye bye isn't suitable for us. Because now!
This experience ><
It's kinda weird right?
No one can take over it, no one would change this history.
And ... ONE THING !!!!!!!!!!!
I LOVE THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lastly !
End with my Confirmation mass.
I finally feel I'm real Catholic girl and I'm here to live you out.
Spend my whole wide life with you, GOD.
Everything learn from you. Start from you.
And I know.
For you, nothing's The End.
Evelyn's journey just start!