When I see you, the world.
It stops and all that exists for me, is you and my eyes staring at you.
There's nothing else.
No noise, no other people, no thoughts or worries, no yesterday, no tomorrow.
The world just stops and it's a beautiful place and there's only you.
Just you. And my eyes staring at you.
When you're gone, the world starts again and I don't like it as much.
I can live in it, but I don't like it.
I just walk around in it, and wait to see you again and wait for it to stop again.
I love it when it stops.
It's the best thing I've ever known or ever felt, the best thing, and that, is why I stare at you.
AMCCO WE GOT IT ! :D THE GOLD MEDAL ! The last last time on stage ! We cried so loudly on the stage.. This is what we never imagine before. Totally awesome. When you can stay with the song with your heart. It's all worthwhile. :)
Hey there. Conductor! You love us so much. Proud of you. Proud of all AMCCO's-ians ;) When both Teacher Lim cried.. It's not important for what we'll get. Because we manage to make proud of them ! When the hall full with coldness and breeze we able to make everyone of them watching at us. They standstill there after the song ended. we're the one who moving waving only. How pretty scene ! :D
When we're playing the song during competition. Almost all our juniors cried. People says Our song is touchable. People knows the story when we bring them into it. We won their heart ! <3 We got it with our practices and our hardwork !
PEOPLE. I have no regrets. Not even a single one :) I'm happy all way long after the medal we got. Yet so nervous. It's time for leaving. Time for bye. I just don't want time to pass that fast.
LAST GOLD MEDAL. We are always the best for us. NO regrets after all. Seriously. Love you AMCCO !