
Evelyn Ruby here :D Having sweet seventeen ★ AMC girl :0 Simple and Nice my quote ;) Be thankful all the time ♥

Your wishes will come true if you just believe.. :D I believe and I have them. Thanks for everything with me :)


Junyi Fei Tracy Baffalo Jo Ee Emilia Kelly

October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 September 2011 October 2011 November 2011 December 2011 January 2012 March 2012 March 2013 June 2013 February 2014 August 2014 October 2015

Layout: Capturemylove
Background: Doughnutcrazy
Image: Breathings
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When I see you, the world. It stops and all that exists for me, is you and my eyes staring at you. There's nothing else. No noise, no other people, no thoughts or worries, no yesterday, no tomorrow. The world just stops and it's a beautiful place and there's only you. Just you. And my eyes staring at you. When you're gone, the world starts again and I don't like it as much. I can live in it, but I don't like it. I just walk around in it, and wait to see you again and wait for it to stop again. I love it when it stops. It's the best thing I've ever known or ever felt, the best thing, and that, is why I stare at you.
Monday, September 26, 2011 ♥Monday, September 26, 2011

24th of September 2011

我们一起说出: 我帮你穿
嘴角上扬了 :)

这中默契 不会消失的 
对的人 你不可以跑掉 
现在跑吧 跑累了 飞累了
回头望 我就在你身后 对你傻傻的笑了
那时候 幸福就真的降临了 <3

26th of September 2011

在你去Australia 前

亲爱的 我感觉到了 谢谢你总是这么体贴 :D


在一起的时候 真的很快乐
根本不用愁 不用优
或许连该有的担心 我都忘了
只想和你好好的 开心的过我们拥有的时光

还记得你说 你会花最多的时间在我身上
我觉得你做到了 很多时间你都用来陪我了
这样就足够了 刘瑞伟

我们不像在热恋中的情侣 反而像老夫老妻那样
要离开了 就更要好好的活出你自己 
不用担心这么多 好好努力 向前冲吧 
亲爱的 我会一直支持你 
别放弃 因为我会一直都在这里
在我们的家 等待着你 
两年 不要说 辛苦我了
不辛苦 因为等的是对的人 
等的是 我最爱的你 刘瑞伟

我们的一切 我们的回忆
只希望我们不会忘了 现在的我们
虽然不单纯 至少我们努力迁就彼此的我们

我说 老天爷明明之中有安排的
你说 两年后 我们会很幸福的 
对你的信任 不曾改变 现在还是一样 
记得要坦白 xD

要好好照顾自己 不要把自己搞垮.
现在不止妈妈会担心 我也会 还会很心疼你 知道吗?
安全很重要 不要让自己发生什么事了
要保持开心 整天傻笑的你
累了就休息 病了就歇会 
不要勉强自己 懂么?
最重要的是不要忘了你自己 !
做自己的时候 要保持着你一贯有的自信 :O
那时的你最好看了 亲爱的瑞伟 

你问: 对我来说,朋友重要还是情人重要?
执子之手 与子偕老

我们要记得 要履行他
因为, 瑞伟说很多人白头到老 我们也可以!!!


Wednesday, September 21, 2011 ♥Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Last day of our Trial Exam !
*Hurrayyy ! *
My dearest Chinese Paper, here you end up my hard life ever.
It should be happy but I got a little disappointment :(
No no no no no.
The last paragraph of my essay. What have I done ?!
I spoilt my essay. It's not on that standard I want. Shoo !
Last minute last PARAGRAPH. Aunty, not last Sentence eh ==
YERR ! Yet, got so thankful that I wrote it.
Tittle of my beloved essay, 感恩
Two simple words and it let me think about so many thingss ! (:
Pretty amazing if I really cried on my last paper.
It would be the happiest tears ever.

Like I never felt like this before.
I wrote it out about myself. My life.
Parents. Friends. Lover.
Three main part of my life and I wrote it out on my exam paper.
Realised how many things we've been gone through together.
Daddy and mummy, the first person who tell me what is love.
The first person who take care of me when i appeared in this pretty world.
Never ending thank you to you two. Honestly.
HOME. Home sweet home.
Whenever we reach home after a long long journey, dad would like to say this.
That's why, home is the warmest place and sweetest place for me.
Every place in my home have our shadow and breath.
Amazing place ever ! The best present I have got from god.

Friends, the one we can stand together during hard time.
The strong bond that never ends, the cold jokes that never less in our life.
And all those perang gerilla, distinguish look, and so on~~~
Dear P7'09 I miss you guys a lot seriously ! Love.
YAY! You people.
When it comes to you guys, I will laugh and laugh and laugh.
The power you all give me is to laugh out loud.
Like a crazy person everytime.
Even ming ju can be like a joke to memorize -.-
Jelly, one sentence for you :D
If we can be, I will stick with you for my life with UHU glue, never ever leave you alone.
Wee hee~~
This is the cute present in my life.
There's laugh, scold, shout, cry, and so many many things in us.
Isn't it look cute when you flashback ?

Time for you, lover.
I wonder why I will think about you for my third point
but that one that appear when I saw the question..
No doubt, that's you :)
Thank you for everything you gave me.
It's more than I can do for you.
Real thanks my dearest ! Less than three. HEHE.

20th of September 2011

Time for dating again. Nanananana~ LOL
Pizza for lunch. Oh no x.x
I can't run away from pizza for the third time in this week ;/
HAHAHAHA. Should I laugh ?
Jusco market for shopping.
Chocolates again. Ne. Syok dao. HAHAHAHA.
Okay laa.. *Sighhh
You're about to leave.
Seriously you're leaving me very very very soon.
Once you're holding my hands, like you're really bu she de.
Felt that you're weird yesterday. A little bit.
Just don't know why.
But when I played that song when you're sending me back, I want to cry.
Looking at you, This Rui Wei.
You're going out of my daily life, what feeling should I have?
Seriously, I don't even want to know about all these.
Don't remind me.
I'm not running away from the truth, I DIDN'T !
By the way, when you're talking about things there.
Hair styling, jacket, Facial foam, and so on..
Huu~ I did listen to you. I did.
Not that I don't wanna give you response but what should I talk ?
Don't know and I just keep on look at you and smile.
The best answer I can give :O

I'm too sentimental or what ?
That stupid two words.
Now, it is not that two words problem, is about your question problem.
When you asked me that,
My mouth is bigger than the sky! HAHAHAHA.
whatever. Cancel that is kinda impossible.
But.. what to do ? HAHAHA.

Questions comes after all ..
Should I text you about things in my life ?
Should I say good morning To you every day? goodnight every night ?
Should I say I'm going to school le like what I do in these morning ?
Should I say dear I'm waiting you home in the evening ?
Should I wait for you at night for a phone call ?
Should I wait for the day we can meet ?
Should I say I need a hug when there's a thunder ?
Should I tell you things in my life ?
And so.
Will I be an obstacles in your life ?
Will I be a disturbance in your life ?
Will I give you kind of stress to move on ?
Will you be fedup of my appearance everyday ?

I dare to say I'm not scare of the problems that come.
I'm just afraid of WE can't take it.
Again. GOD BLESS US ;)
Thursday, September 15, 2011 ♥Thursday, September 15, 2011

This week ! Oh no.
Maths. Add Maths. Physics.
Luckily I got a holiday today for Malaysia Day !
Play on twitter and tweet and tweet and tweet. FUN :D

13th of September
Your birthday my dear <3
You're now twenty-year-old Man ! Hahahaha.
Have a nice year and a blessed year! Love you as always
Wish you luck in everything.
Wish you're fine in whatever place.
Wish you to be healthy all the time.
Wish you have your dreams come true.
Wish you're happy in every way you're in.
Remember I'm here. Always here to wait for you.
Take me as your strength to reach for what you want in your future :)
God bless us Mr.A and Ms.E way to a forever

我~非常爱你 非常确定 你像情人 又像知己
多麼幸运能遇见你 是上天赐给我的福气
那种开心 那种窝心 那种安心
幸福很难 我相信 只要我们够努力

我~非常爱你 非常确定 爱的甜蜜 爱的贴心
每次争吵都要练习 坏情绪转过身就失忆
非常爱你 深深爱你 没有怀疑
幸福很难 我相信 只要我们够努力

每次看你就有一份安定 知道今后我哪儿也不去
在我们的小天地 专心的爱著你
This song express out everything inside me.
Thank god ;)

16th of September 2011
I woke up and wonder did I sleep yesterday night?
Might probably real blur these days ?
Monday Monday. Moral paper! LOL. Got to a talk with Heng Heng.
Kuncana. I'm here to listen to youuuuu chingu :D
OWH. I skipped tuition on Tuesday and got tired after all.
I went for tuition on Wednesday and have a nice walk with Suicheng and Min Err. YAY.
This might be the worst one.
Dehh I got to 18 degrees with Jelly after being dumped by Xian -.- and Rain comes.
We walk back to school and I don't wanna go home. BAD.
Got a nice date with the rain duhh :P
Now I realised my Physics paper is being left in don't know where. my goodness.
Logged in your profile. Is it a wrong choice?
I really wonder. Luckily I'm not alone whole day.
Luckily I have you people so Run away from that. HAHA.
Once I'm home, gotta face it. :/
EXPLANATION. I don't like it the most ! *GAHHH*
No. I saw what I saw. I remember what I've read.
Nothing to misunderstand. It's over there and I read it ! Damn it.
I look every words of it into my eyes. Huu~
That's you. You hide it and I found it.
What should I say?
Told you so. I Asked you before what I want to know.
Since you hide it so nothing more to talk about it.
The Only thing. I wish I was blind at that time. HA!
Who knows what are you thinking about? whatever .
It's not under my control. It's all about what you've done before.
It's non of my business.
I'm pretty idiotic seriously.
Who will ever put their hand inside a bowl which is placed on a Fire ?
OHMYGAWWD. Stupid girl ==

It is when I need comfort the most but ended up with you got to angry and I have to comfort you. It is when you needa talk to me Maybe And not for me to explain ? It is when you need to rest and I need a rest too and ended up with we got to a chat but nothing to talk about.
Is it all under interchange ? goodness. nevermind .

Come on. Fighting for the last three days and I can have a rest !
Don't sigh again evelyn. Keep hold on and you can make it through girl.
I believe it's a sound from heaven! Hwaiting !
Things will be fine after all. Truly believe in it :)
Friday, September 9, 2011 ♥Friday, September 09, 2011

It's a luck when you said the word 'LUCKILY'
It's the word Luckily which brings you comes to me.
And bring you in to my Heart

今天 昨天
幸运的是 昨晚有和你讲电话
一直在等 过后看到的是封信息
像以前那样 顿时就怕了
很想喊 :O
怎么不早点检查我的手机 你睡了那怎么办 :(
说真的 很气 气的是我自己
为什么每仪次都会 这样等等等又不小心的失去机会
我真的真的很幸运 能遇见这样的你

真的辛苦你了 :))))

什么事都好 有你在就好
这么重要的东西 既然连掉了都不知道
脑子里到底装了什么东东啊 ! D:

不知道 是我说中了呢 还是你不在乎那个问题
想问却又不想问 *转话题* 哈哈
她 不是不在意了 只是觉得不用去在意 -.-
可是 怎么有个女孩会这样说自己 或许她太爱你了
提醒着自己 :
这不是你范围内的事 不要问 不要管

没有想过 你会这样说的
第一次! 有人这样对我说
你说: 我也需要私人空间的~
顿时的我 很想立刻马上盖电话 ==
不要太8了你 知道吗! 哈哈 :X

有时候 会有想逃的感觉
可是 再不追就跟不上你了
可是 当他问: "你的男朋友几时走?"
那个时候 是微笑着回答的 (:
可是;当他说... 那还有十九天?
啊好 我知道 :/
只是我真的 不能 慢慢来了 该醒了 :)
Thursday, September 8, 2011 ♥Thursday, September 08, 2011

Mr. right
You're being here with me these two days.
I should be thankful.
Not asking more than that.
What you gave me..
More than enough and more than I thought.

The warmest hand I've ever touch.
Love it when we're running under the rain :D
When you're driving, did you realiese ?
I look at you again and again.
Hope that I won't forget this face for my life.
Hope that this face would be with me forever.
I just don't wanna leave you <3

* Waiting is a matter of TWO person, not Individually.
You gotta wait for me, and why shouldn't I ?
You're there and I'm here.
Together we look forward for Our future as long as Our Heart are always Together

God knows what are we going to be in our future.
I treasure when you're with me and the time we're together with each other.
Shouldn't be worry about others.

Last decision.
I would rather spend time with you other than worry about others.
I don't know.
And I just believe that you won't betray our love.
Please don't and never.
Don't know why.
I always believe in you. Nothing to worry when I'm with you.
So, am not going to disappoint you.
Just have a good life with you from now onwards..
♥Thursday, September 08, 2011

Oh no.
Dearest papers I'm so sorry to you.
Just don't know why all went wrong. :(
I don't mean it.
Come on, time for you Mr. History!
Just love me once again.
I'm pleading you Pleaseeee :/
Ain't gonna disappoint them again.
No, please don't.

Let my mind to be yours, TRIAL.
Can you attract me please ? HAHAHAHAHA.
Hope that I got your attention lah.
Mummy put everything on me.
Not going to make her down right ?
You're wanted seriously.
Help me.

God, I need you.
Always do. Heal me in a short time.
Bring me back when times came.
Doesn't want to make things wrong again another time.
Give me some confident. Like I'm getting wrong this time.
I don't want to. Let me be safe. Once. Once enough :)
Kick away the sickness and all the disturbance.
Thank you
Thursday, September 1, 2011 ♥Thursday, September 01, 2011

2nd of September 2011

一个月 整整一个月了
现在的我 是快乐的 是开心的
脸上洋溢着的是幸福的笑容... :))

从来没有想过 能拥有这么好的男孩
感觉上 不可能 可是现在都已经走到这里了

虽然有时候很想 完全的霸着你
可是 又不想太防碍你的生活 怪怪的
自己也不喜欢 可是就是有时候会有这样的感觉 ;O

有你在 我真的觉得很幸福
有时候想 这样就足够了 不需要太多
你给的 你付出的 真的很多了
陪着我的时间 给我的温暖

你的手心 暖暖的 手掌 大大的
感觉很踏实 心里是温暖的
你的肩膀宽宽的 躺下去就不想起来了
再不开心 听到你的声音就好了
喜欢你找不到我又看见我 那刹那的表情和眼神
像小孩子一样 很可爱 <3

很满足 很幸福
要知足 要珍惜
因为 能遇见你 真的不容易